Your Home Away From Home in the Napa Valley
Calistoga's historic Bear Flag Inn bed and breakfast offers comfortable lodging on 3-1/2 lovely acres in the Napa Valley. Featuring charming guestrooms, a full breakfast made with farm-fresh eggs produced here, and wine & appetizers in the afternoon, Bear Flag Inn is your home away from home in Calistoga.
Make yourself at home
Relax in the inviting parlor, where guests can enjoy the warmth of the hearth. The grounds include private sunny spaces as well as a swimming pool and spa/hot tub.

meeting your needs
From the moment you arrive, you'll find your needs have been anticipated. We will make your dining reservations if you wish and direct you to local wineries and other attractions. If you need reservations for winery tours, hot air ballooning, gliding, cycling or Calistoga's famous mud baths and massages, just ask -- we'll take care of you.
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